Hey there Visions5 peeps! Got an interview here for you with our Awards Coordinator E.K. Hunter!
What are the responsibilities that come with being the awards coordinator?
As Awards Coordinator you have the main responsibility of raising a goal of $6,000+ in awards for 9 different categories. The categories are Visionary Award, Regional Award, Excellence in Scholarship, Excellence in Narrative, Excellence in Documentary, Excellence in Experimental, Excellence in Animation, Audience Film, and Audience Scholarship.
What has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome so far?
The biggest challenge for sure is getting companies to respond to me and donate to an undergraduate, arguably less well known film festival on the coast of North Carolina.
What are some skills that you have had to utilize in order to be successful in your job as awards coordinator?
Timeliness, persistence, and figuring out different approaches to take and utilizing resources.
What have you learned from this job?
Something that I have learned time and time again. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve it. Plain and simple. It may be difficult, but it is doable if you are willing to give it the time that it needs.
Is this a job that you would be interested in taking on again later in your film career?
Yes! I’ve started applying to similar positions. I never would have thought of a position like this or a career path like this, but I have really really enjoyed it thus far.
What would you say is your biggest accomplishment as awards coordinator?
I think my persistence and determination have helped me get some of the best awards yet, and that’s pretty exciting! I think the acquiring of Criterion and BlackMagic Design is phenomenal and I couldn’t be more pleased!